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12th Mar 2022

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have raised more than $20 million for Ukraine in a week

Danny Jones


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have raised over $20 million in funds for Ukraine thanks to an incredible GoFundMe campaign – all in less than a week.

Having posted regular videos after previous milestones, the couple’s latest update on Kutcher’s Instagram informed their followers that thanks to nearly 61,000 donations, they have managed to raise just shy of $21m in funds in just under a week.

Kutcher thanked those who, despite maybe not having the means to donate large sums or even at all, “have done an unbelievable job of getting the word out”, adding that “we’re not done”.

Kunis, who was born in Ukraine and is not only a Russian speaker but has been involved in lots of ambassadorial work over the years, thanked all those who donated and credited them for creating “community, a sense of belonging and an ability to help”.

Speaking in a Sunday Paper exclusive with Maria Shriver on Friday, Kunis took the time to remind people that regular Russian people are not the enemy and, as we have seen in mass protests since the invasion began, war is Vladimir Putin‘s goal, not Russia’s.

Their total fundraising target is currently set at $30m, with the goal of sending that money to provide “immediate support” to Ukraine and humanitarian relief efforts supporting the mass exodus of refugees. However, the two actors and entrepreneurs look set to smash that goal in no time.

That being said Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher aren’t the only big names providing support to Ukrainian; as well as the Klitschko brothers, who are just two examples of numerous native athletes who have taken up military service, the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio – whose grandmother is Ukrainian – is also said to have raised more $7.6 million in relief aid.

You can donate to the campaign below and to find out more about what you can do to do your bit for Ukraine, here’s a helpful round-up of resources and tips on how to feel better.

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