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13th Sep 2021

Most Republicans want Trump to be President again, they just don’t believe he will

Kieran Galpin

Trump is well-liked, but can that get him a second shot?

Data from a recent poll shows that most Republicans actually want Trump back in office. However, they are fairly divided on whether or not they believe he could win it again.

The poll created by CNN ran from August 3 to September 7 among 2,119 U.S. adults. The data illustrated that 63 per cent of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents believe Trump, 75, should lead the party. Only 37 per cent say he shouldn’t.

Trump has been moving his chess pieces in recent weeks in what many believe are the first signs of his 2024 candidacy. His advisor Jason Miller said the chances of the ex-president running are “between 99 and 100 per cent”.

Support for Trump is at the highest among Republicans without a college degree, with 69 per cent saying he should lead the party. In contrast, only 49 per cent of those with a college degree believe he should be elected.

Surprisingly, six out of ten of them believe that Trump did actually win the 2020 elections.

The data also gathered interesting insight on the average Republican’s beliefs, with 69 per cent of them placing importance on opposing Democratic policies.

A further 85 per cent of Republicans value upholding conservative values, and 86 per cent want the federal government to have less power.

The data then looked at the midterm elections due to take place next year, which found that 45 per cent of registered voters are most likely to vote for the democrat candidate and 44 per cent for the GOP candidate.

They also found that 28 per cent of voters are ‘extremely enthusiastic’ about voting in the 2022 midterms. This was up from the 18 per cent in 2017.

The study also shed light on the political positions, with both sides believing that they are the mainstream. With 86 per cent of Republicans believing the GOP is mainstream and 92 per cent of Democrats feeling the same, it is clear that the political divide in the US is as strong as ever.

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