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16th Aug 2022

People are sharing ‘evidence’ that history’s biggest event was staged by humans

Simon Bland

A Reddit user shared their hot take on humanity’s biggest moment

A Reddit user has set conspiracy theorists’ keyboards clacking with a new hypothesis that suggests one of the biggest moments in human history was staged.

It’s an image that feels ingrained into our collective social memory; that of astronaut Neil Armstrong taking the very first steps on the Moon back on July 16, 1969, more than 50 years ago. However in the years since, conspiracy theorists across the world have been determined to prove that the whole thing wasn’t what it appeared to be.

From the suggestion that the shadows in NASA’s now-iconic Moon landing imagery are all wrong, to the idea that prolific filmmaker Stanley Kubrick was secretly hired by the US government to film the whole thing in a studio hidden somewhere in America, suspicious civilians have never been short of ideas and theories about how this momentous moment wasn’t all it seemed.

Cut to 2022, and the vocal contingent that think Armstrong and his astronaut colleagues Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins’ trip to the Moon was faked are still at it, with one Reddit user setting eyebrows raising with a new theory.

Posting on a threat entitled “What world event do you think was staged?”, one user pointed to the presence of NASA’s numerous cameras to suggest that the whole mission was indeed ‘staged’… in a sense.

“I believe the moon landing was real, but they went out of their way to pack as many TV cameras on the mission as possible, so in the most literal sense it was staged as a media production almost more so than a scientific mission,” explained the user, unpacking their idea that the whole thing was pre-packaged, if viewed through a certain lens.

Another user quickly chimed in to echo ideas of the space race that took place throughout the 1960s, and America’s determination to beat the Russias in becoming the first country to step foot on the Moon.

“Science was an afterthought,” they began. “It was not a secret that the US was doing it to beat the Russians. It was a commercial for how bad ass America was. Later on NASA used science to keep their budget.”

While other Redditors wasted no time in posting their own theories, another user was quick to offer a simple solution to most of the ideas posed: namely the fact that people are generally rubbish at keeping secrets – especially for more than five decades.

“People are for more likely to be dumb or make mistakes than they are to pull off an intentional global conspiracy where no one, of any party, regardless of conflicting goals or interests, has ever slipped up and spilled the beans,” they suggested.

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