The report was detailing the health impacts of apparent UFO encounters
A report from the Pentagon has revealed that one woman claims to have fallen pregnant after a close encounter of the third kind.
The report is titled ‘Anomalous Acute And Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues’ and investigates injuries to “human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems”.
It mentions a whole host of bizarre side-effects, discussing people’s experiences after abductions, telepathy, and teleportations.
The Sun reports that other “UFO-related human physiological” side-effects listed in the report include paralysis, eye injuries, burns, insomnia, hair loss and even death.
In total, the Pentagon says it has 42 cases from medical files and 300 “unpublished” cases where humans had been injured after these “anomalous” encounters.
The report says that people have been injured from “exposures to anomalous vehicles, especially airborne and when in close proximity.” It adds that the injuries are linked to “energy-related propulsion systems.”
“Sufficient incidents/accidents have been accurately reported, and medical data acquired, as to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings,” the report reads.

It continues: “The medical analyses while not requiring the invention of an alternative biophysics do indicate to use of unconventional and advanced energy systems.”
The report was part of 1,500 pages of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents related to the Pentagon’s UFO programme, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
One document even explains how people should categorise these encounters. If you’re wondering, encounters with “ghosts, yetis, spirits, elves and other mythical/ legendary entities” should be classed as “AN3” and “witness interaction with AN3 entities” such as near-death experiences and religious miracles should be classed as AN4.
Related links:
- Mysterious UFO spotted floating over city for two hours leaves locals stunned
- Identical twins trying to get pregnant at same time with shared fiance
- Aliens ‘abducting humans and living on Earth before full invasion’, historian claims