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19th Nov 2021

People think they’ve spotted an alien in Mars Rover pictures

Kieran Galpin

Little Green men are photobombing the Mars Rover

NASA’s latest images from the Mars Rover have people fully convinced that aliens not only exist but are also a lot closer than we think.

Posting to their official Twitter account, NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover sends snapshots of the red planet back to earth, which are undoubtedly fabricated if you ask flat earthers.

They tweeted: “Peering inside to look at something no one’s ever seen. I’ve abraded a small patch of this rock to remove the surface layer and get a look underneath. Zeroing in on my next target for #SamplingMars.”

If you’re expecting to see some green men enjoying a BBQ or scrolling through alien TikTok, then you’ll be sorely disappointed. A barely visible white speck has broken the internet in true Kim-K fashion, but others have declared it’s “just a small white triangular speck in the rock”.

“I’m curious, is this small white arrow pointing at anything interesting? Or is it just a small white triangular speck in the rock?” one Twitter user asked.

Another questioned: “Anyone see that small triangle? i think its a sign…”

Another Twitter user wanted to bring the theories back down to earth and they wrote: “I don’t really see that same white speck in the 2nd to last photo, even though the other globular white speck at the edge is visible.

“I bet the Perseverence scientists were annotating features of interest but forget to remove this arrow before releasing the pic to the public.”

In similar news, ‘deadly’ sea ‘aliens’ began washing up on the UK beaches last week. Though they turned out not to be aliens, beachgoers were still startled by the creature’s translucent blues and blobby textures.

It turns out the ‘aliens’ were actually Portuguese Man O’War.

Sometimes called the blue bottle jellyfish, despite it not being a jellyfish, the Man O’Wars are carnivorous hunters, with a particularly nasty paralytic sting. Though they can and have killed humans in the past, it’s not as common as you might think.

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