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09th Mar 2021

Piers Morgan storms off GMB set during argument over Meghan Markle

Wayne Farry

Morgan was in the middle of a discussion with Alex Beresford when he stormed off

The only story on anyone’s lips right now is the interview conducted by Oprah Winfrey with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, which finally aired on British TV last night.

Following its premiere on American TV on Sunday, few people have been as loud or angry about what they saw as Piers Morgan, a man seemingly hell bent on undoing any goodwill accrued for his sensible stance on the coronavirus pandemic by inserting himself into the Meghan and Harry narrative.

At every point of this long-running disagreement between the couple and the Royal Family, Morgan has attempted to be a part of that story, whether as a defender of the Crown, or as a ‘former friend’ of Markle.

This has veered from the ludicrous – such as speaking openly in interviews about being hurt that he and Markle are no longer friends, to the dangerous – on Monday he said that he didn’t believe Markle’s claims in the interview that she had felt suicidal.

On Good Morning Britain on Tuesday, the Morgan ratings train chugged along at greater pace, as he engaged in a discussion with Alex Beresford.

Beresford, in an extremely calm tone, told Morgan that while he may be disappointed that Markle ended her friendship with him, that is a decision that she was more than entitled to take.

“I understand that you do not like Meghan Markle and you have made it clear so many times – so many times on this programme,” said Beresford.

“And I understand you had a personal relationship with Meghan Markle and she cut you off. She is entitled to cut you off if she wants to.

“Has she said anything about you since she cut you off? Now, I do not think she has. But yet you continue to trash her.”

“OK, I am done with this,” Morgan replied.

“No, no, no, that is pathetic,” said Beresford. “Absolutely diabolical behaviour.”

Twitter users tended to agree with Beresford, and many called out the double standard of Morgan, for walking off in a huff during a simple conversation.