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18th May 2021

Police find ‘possible evidence’ that Fred West victim is buried under cafe

Charlie Herbert

Gloucestershire police received the possible evidence from a TV production company.

Excavation work is set go ahead at a cafe in Gloucester after “possible evidence” emerged, suggesting that the body of one of Fred West’s victims could be buried there.

Forensic archaeologists have been undertaking exploratory work at the Clean Plate cafe in Gloucester in connection with the disappearance of 15-year-old Mary Bastholm, who was last seen alive in January 1968. West was a customer at the cafe.

The Guardian reports that Gloucestershire police had received possible evidence from a TV production company, suggesting that Bastholm’s body could be buried at the location. One of the findings was a photo taken by the company of what appeared to be a blue material buried in an area of the cellar. The 15-year-old had apparently been wearing a blue coat when she went missing.

Experts have also confirmed that there are a number of structural anomalies within the cellar that warrant further exploration work.

DCI John Turner said: “The analysis from our experts and the material provided by the production company means there is enough evidence to justify excavation work beginning.

“I’ve spoken to the family and was so impressed by their quiet dignity and gratitude for all the work we’ve done and will be doing.

“They understand it is possible we won’t find human remains but they also know that we will do everything we can to establish if Mary is buried at this location.”

In a statement, the teenager’s family said: “We are extremely happy Gloucestershire police is continuing to try and search for Mary and this gives us a chance to potentially put her at rest after all these years.

“We want to thank everyone who has wished us support through this distressing time. We hope this is a chance to finally get closure for Mary and would like to continue to ask for privacy whilst the excavation is ongoing.”

West and his wife Rose are two of the most infamous serial killers in British history. The two of them tortured, raped and murdered an unknown number of women over a 20-year period, and had been suspected of Bastholm’s disappearance as it was at a time when West was abducting girls in Gloucester.

He often did jobs in the street where she worked as a waitress in the cafe.

West apparently confessed to the killing her in a conversation with his son, but never admitted it to the police.

West was charged with 12 murders after being arrested in 1994, but committed suicide in prison before his trial. His wife Rose was convicted of 10 murders in November 1995 and is serving a life sentence.