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02nd Oct 2021

Police had CCTV footage of Wayne Couzens flashing three days before he murdered Sarah Everard

Kieran Galpin

Couzens flashed Maccies worker twice at drive thru

A McDonald’s worker who Wayne Couzens flashed has slammed police officials for ‘not acting quickly enough’ as they were given CCTV of the incident three days before the appalling murder of Sarah Everard.

An unnamed employee at McDonald’s claimed that two separate incidents occurred where Couzens exposed himself at the drive-through window in February of this year. Police were told of the situation on February 28, days before Couzens kidnapped, raped, and murdered Sarah Everard, reports Mail Online.

“The police took our statements and took away CCTV. If they had taken this more seriously, they could easily have figured out that he was a policeman who had committed these crimes,” the employee told the Mail.

“The police had three days to stop him but didn’t. It could have stopped him from doing a lot worse.”

Couzens would have been suspended and his warrant card confiscated if this had been dealt with as expected. They can also not have any contact with the public, claims the Mail.

Considering he used his warrant card as part of his heinous crime, the situation could have very well be avoided.

Earlier in the week, a police boss ignited further rage around the Met’s response to the murder by saying women need to be “streetwise” about police powers of arrest.

Speaking about the case, a day after Wayne Couzens was jailed for a whole life term, North Yorkshire commissioner Philip Allott implied Everard should never have “submitted” to being arrested by Couzens.

“So women, first of all, need to be streetwise about when they can be arrested and when they can’t be arrested. She should never have been arrested and submitted to that,” he told BBC Radio York.

“Perhaps women need to consider in terms of the legal process, to just learn a bit about that legal process”.

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