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19th Sep 2021

Police issue warning over kids buying large quantities of baked beans

Charlie Herbert

It’s all down to a strange TikTok trend.

West Yorkshire Police has issued a warning to teenagers over buying large quantities of baked beans.

Youths across the country have started taking part in the latest bizarre TikTok trend called ‘beaning,’ which involves smearing cans of beans across people’s driveways, doors and cars.

They then film the prank and upload it to the video platform.

But to fight back against the trend, people have now been warned to look out for children buying large quantities of baked beans from supermarkets, with parents also being asked to check their cupboards.

And police in West Yorkshire have asked people to be “mindful” if they see children removing cans of beans from home.

In a statement, PCSO Michelle Owens of West Yorkshire Police said: “It has come to the attention of the police that a new trend has started by groups of youths called ‘beaning’.

“This involves youths throwing the contents of a can of beans over properties, very similar to the trend of throwing eggs at properties.

“If you work in a shop, please can you be aware of youths buying large quantities of cans of beans, if you have children living at home, please be mindful if you see them removing cans of beans from the family home.”

There have also been warnings that the prank could be harmful to dogs.

In a post on their website, Team Dogs explained the dangers that beans can pose to the pets, with vet Becky Williams saying: “Baked beans may contain onion and garlic, which is toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure, which can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort.

“They’re also high in sugar, which can upset dogs with pre-existing conditions like diabetes. The high fat levels can trigger a pancreatitis flare, especially in dogs that have had it or are prone to it.”

And if beans are left to go mouldy and then ingested by a dog, then this can cause seizures for the animal and even be fatal.

Williams urged people considering performing the prank to “think about the effects it could have,” as it could “land someone’s dog in the vets.”

Related links:

Man explains why storing baked beans upside down is the ‘right’ way

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