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27th Jan 2021

Premier League clubs promote #LightTheDarkness on Holocaust Memorial Day

Wayne Farry

If you can, light a candle and place it in your window at 8pm tonight

January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day, and on this day people all over the world to remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution, and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.

On this day, Premier League clubs have come together to promote this year’s theme – Light The Darkness – and encourage supporters to light a candle at 8pm this evening, and place it safely in a window to remember those lost, and to stand against prejudice in the world today.

With every passing year, the number of people who survived the Holocaust and can tell their stories first hand is dwindling, and now more than ever it is vital that we can continue to tell their stories, to ensure that such atrocities never happen again.

So, if you can, join Light The Darkness at 8pm this evening, to stand against prejudice and remember those who suffered and those who were lost.

For Holocaust Memorial Day, JOE spoke to a number of survivors of the Holocaust, who recalled their experiences in the hope that others may be educated as a result.

One such survivor is Hannah Lewis MBE, you can watch her speak of her experiences below: