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09th Jun 2021

Prince Harry and Meghan didn’t ask Queen to use Lilibet name, says Palace source

Danny Jones

Lilibet is now known as the Queen’s private nickname but there is debate as to whether he asked whether he would use it. And?…

As reported by the BBC via a palace source, it is alleged that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not tell the Queen they would be naming their daughter in her honour. This comes after a source close to the couple apparently told the BBC that Harry had spoken to the Queen before the birth and “would have mentioned” the name.

The source close to Harry had claimed that if the Queen had not been supportive of the pair using the name, they would not have done so, adding that “[t]he duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement – in fact his grandmother was the first family member he called”.

They went on to say that “During that conversation, he shared their hope of naming their daughter Lilibet in her honour”, once again, reiterating that they would not have chosen and therefore disclosed her little-known nickname had she not approved.

To be honest, we can’t imagine Lizzy not giving her blessing to what is, essentially, a dedication and gesture of love and loyalty from her grandson, so why there is any debate whatsoever is kind of beyond us.

Since the BBC report was published, lawyers for Harry and Meghan have written to the media asserting that the BBC’s claims are false and defamatory.

The couple’s second child – simply referred to as ‘Lili’ – was born last week in California, where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now living after having stepped away from senior royal duties.

The arrival of the newest Mountbatten comes after relationships and the reputation surrounding the larger royal family look to have been shaken following Harry and Meghan’s high-profile interview with Oprah Winfrey, which set the general public alight with divisive discussion.


This article was updated on 09.06.2021 at 20:50