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04th Dec 2021

RNLI vows to continue Channel rescues amid Britain First hate campaign

Danny Jones

We’ll say it again: People, not migrants

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has reiterated its commitment to rescuing those attempting to cross the channel and find safe passage to the UK.

This firm stance and reinforcing of the charity’s core values comes after reports of a new hate campaign headed up by far-right group Britain First who are currently spamming their inbox with emails and sending out messages to supporters to pressure the RNLI to stop helping migrants.

In addition to sending hateful messages to the charity, some have now stopped their donations entirely and below is a clip of a man in Hastings who attempted to stop a lifeboat from being sent out, shouting, “don’t bring no more back over here!”:

As per the Independent, spokesperson for the group said: “The RNLI is proud of the humanitarian work of its volunteer lifeboat crews in the Channel and we are grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve recently received.

“The recent tragic deaths in the Channel are a sad reminder of just how dangerous it is to go to sea in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes in boats not fit for the crossing, especially as winter approaches.

“We are a voluntary lifesaving charity, and will rescue anyone in trouble at sea, as the RNLI has been doing for nearly 200 years, without judgement or preference.”

While the full extent of the hateful messages has not been disclosed, some were said to have lambasted the rescue service for supporting “illegal immigrants and people trafficking” instead of “saving British lives”, as well as, “I urge you to cease these treacherous activities”.

Earlier this week, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the crossings should be of no surprise to anyone as there is currently “no safe way” for asylum seekers to reach the country, adding that beyond the RNLI’s current efforts, “the UK should be providing safe passages for asylum seekers.”

It has been just over a week since 27 people tragically died trying to reach the UK after their inflatable dinghy filled with water and they had to tread water for several hours. On Tuesday, one of just two survivors from the incident described how they could only hold hands in hopes of saving each other.

For those unaware of the conditions in Calais, we recently visited the port to hear the story from the real people experiencing what it’s like to live in a migrant camp after having been forced to flee your country.


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