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21st Mar 2016

Steven Avery’s lawyer is confident he’ll be released from prison “in months”

Joe Harrington

Great news for Avery supporters.

It’s been a while since there’s been an update on the Steven Avery case but some interesting news broke over the weekend.

His new attorney Kathleen Zellner is reportedly “highly confident” that she’ll get Avery out of prison in the next few months, possibly without needing a new trial.

Those details emerged after Curtis Busse, the man behind the Steven Avery Project, spoke to radio station WIBX 950AM about the current state of the case.

“We’re not even looking for a new trial. We’re actually looking for an exoneration.

“Zellner’s very confident, and Steven is also very confident that it’s not gonna take that much time. And we’re talking months here.”

Busse says new information in relation of DNA evidence and phone records will prove the man at the centre of Making A Murderer innocent.

Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey are serving life sentences for murder of Teresa Halbach back in 2005.

Listen to the full interview here:

Clip via YouTube/WIBX