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24th Dec 2016

Government accused of “sneaking through” a tuition fee rise

There was no announcement on the Department for Education site.


The first rise in maximum UK university tuition fees since 2012 has been confirmed, with some accusing the government of sneaking out the announcement when no one was looking.

The maximum fees have risen from £9,000 to £9,250, but the BBC notes that there was no announcement on the Department for Education website to accompany the change.

Instead, the news of the increase was published on, prompting Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron to hit out at the government’s “shabby” approach.

“This shows the government at their worst, avoiding scrutiny and debate,” the Member of Parliament for Westmorland and Lonsdale said.

Meanwhile, Labour MP for Blackpool South, Gordon Marsden, has called the rise an “increase that doesn’t like to speak its name” and accused the government of attempting to sneak it out.

A Department for Education spokesperson has told The Independent: “Importantly, universities will not be able to increase their fees unless they have passed rigorous quality standards”.

But this has not stopped criticism of the changes – and the manner in which they have come to light – across social media.

Indeed many feel this rise will only be the beginning, with further rises in line with inflation anticipated.