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19th Apr 2017

Theresa May got an absolute grilling from Yvette Cooper and she didn’t like the question one bit

Paul Moore

If looks could kill.

As Britain enters an extremely important period in its political future, various MPs assembled this afternoon to discuss and debate the Prime Minister’s recent decision to call a snap election.

As we now know, Theresa May confirmed that there will be an election on June 8 following a vote in the House of Commons.

The purpose of the election, May said, is to give Britain the “strong and stable leadership it deserves” following the decision to leave the European Union.

This decision goes against previous statements that the Prime Minister made on the issue.

Given the fact that she reneged on her previous statement, Yvette Cooper, Labour Member of Parliament for Normanton, Pontefract, Castleford & Knottingley, was just one of the MPs who used today’s meeting to question May’s motives and honesty.

Cooper said: “The Prime Minister said yesterday that she was calling a General Election because Parliament was blocking Brexit. But 3/4 of MPs and 2/3 of the Lords voted for Article 50, so that’s not true it is it? And a month ago, she told her spokesperson to rule out a General Election, and that wasn’t true either. She wants us to believe that she’s a woman of her word. Isn’t the truth that we cannot believe a single word she says?

Here’s the clip in full.

As you can see by her reaction, it’s clear that the Prime Minister didn’t take too kindly to this statement being made.

It’s clear that Cooper’s words have resonated with May’s critics.