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20th Nov 2015

This is how ‘Generation Bataclan’ paid tribute to rock fans killed in the Paris terror attacks (Video)

This English punk classic is very symbolic...

Ben Kenyon

Not even terrorism can dim the incandescent flame of rebellious youth.

Yes ISIS struck a horrendous blow on Paris with the terror attacks that left more than 130 innocents dead. Yes the world is in shock at the senseless barbarity of the murderers responsible.

But young people in the City of Light have refused to be cowed by these extremists.

Instead they put on a real show of defiance at La Place de la Republique – a focal point for France’s outpouring of grief – by holding a minute’s non-silence for victims of the attacks, including fellow rock fans killed in the Bataclan concert hall.

Rather than stand in silence, these youths bounced about and sang along to a rather symbolic English punk classic – ‘Rock the Casbah’ by the Clash.

The song was written in rebellious spirit, supposedly inspired by the banning of Western music after the Iranian revolution in 1979.  The lyrics speak of continuing to ‘Rock the Casbah’ in the face of threats and tyranny, so right now it couldn’t be more apt.

But in this context it’s a firm two-fingered salute to ISIS that terrorism will never prevail.