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16th Jan 2022

Tory MP accuses BBC of ‘coup attempt’ on Boris for reporting No 10 parties

Danny Jones

Don’t mention the hair…

Conservative MP Michael Fabricant has accused the BBC of attempting to mount a “coup” against Boris Johnson for reporting on the ongoing Partygate scandal.

On Saturday, Fabricant (71) tweeted the following in response to a BBC Radio 4 news bulletin detailing supposed backlash that the Prime Minister has received following yet more leaked information surrounding illegal parties at No. 10 during lockdown:

As you can see, Fabricant – the representative for Lichfield in Staffordshire – labelled the BBC’s reporting as a “relentless news creation” that is equates to a “coup attempt” against the PM.

On the other hand, Johnson did admit and apologise for at least one party hosted in Downing Street over the pandemic, though he insisted he “thought it was a work event” and encouraged others to wait until a full enquiry has been carried out.

Fabricant also appeared on LBC on the same day as his tweet, defending the PM not only insisting that it was “Boris that made the vaccine”, but slamming Keir Starmer and the “feeble excuse for his activities”.

He isn’t the only one trying to shift blame from the Prime Minister either, as foreign secretary Liz Truss said “He has apologised, I think we now need to move on”.

Meanwhile, the Downing Street press office themselves have not yet denied the allegations that events listed as ‘wine-time Fridays’ were sent out as calendar invites to staff on a regular basis.

Moreover, the PM himself is said to have regularly witnessed such events and encouraged others to “let off steam”. We’re sure he just got confused and thought it was another work event.

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