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16th Aug 2021

Trump demands Biden resign ‘in disgrace’ over Taliban’s Afghanistan takeover

Danny Jones

Didn’t take him long to pipe up

Former President Donald Trump has weighed in on the current situation unravelling in Afghanistan, as the Taliban continue to establish significant footholds and Kabul in its entirety.

Forces have already infiltrated the presidential palace and, therefore secured the seat of power but their rapid nationwide offensive continues.

As for the US’ handling of the situation, Trump has called it “one of the greatest defeats in American history” and called on President Joe Biden to “resign in disgrace”. He, of course, managed to get in a dig about his supposed electoral legitimacy as not only does he refuse to waste an opportunity but he still refuses to accept that he lost.

ABC reporter Will Steakin was quick to point out a very distinct set of statements just months apart regarding the disgraced former president stance on the US presence in the country.


US troops only recently began to leave Afghanistan for the time in over two decades, with British troops doing the same just a month ago.

Now though, detachments are back in the country to assist with the evacuation of officials and civilians, with the emptying of the US embassy catching people’s eye for its historical familiarity.

While troops from both nations are there to also help deter any possible Taliban offensive on Kabul airport, it is clear that the main objective is to secure the location – a task made more difficult by the hordes of displaced Afghan’s trying to flee the country. It is believed that at least five people have already died among the chaos in the packed runways and terminals.

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