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03rd Nov 2023

Two thirds of you think all supermarkets should ban fireworks

Charlie Herbert

Sainsbury’s announced in 2021 they would no longer be selling fireworks

Two thirds of JOE readers would support a ban on fireworks being sold in UK supermarkets.

A JOE Twitter poll asked: “Should all supermarkets ban fireworks?” And 66.3 per cent of you said yes, they should.

This was after Sainsbury’s announced that they would be banning the sale of fireworks at their 2,300 stores across the country back in 2021.

The supermarket chain is instead urging people to choose non-pyrotechnic options like spinning wands and glow sticks.

A spokesperson for the company said the ban was down to a “range of factors.”

They explained: “We regularly review the products available in our stores and we are no longer selling fireworks based on a range of factors.

“Customers can continue to choose from a range of seasonal products, such as glow sticks and light-up spinning wands.”

Asda has chosen to sell so-called “silent” fireworks, with a spokesperson saying: “We know that many of our customers love fireworks, but we also know that some customers and their pets don’t like the noise, which is why this year we have launched a collection of low noise fireworks so that everyone can still enjoy the show.”

Sainsbury’s are not the first supermarket to stop selling the loud pyrotechnics, which can be obviously dangerous if not handled with care and can cause great distress to animals. The Co-op has not sold fireworks for the past five years.

It looks like slowly but surely fireworks on supermarket shelves are becoming a thing of the past and it seems that most of you are in favour of this.

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