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02nd Mar 2022

Ukrainian soldiers adopt freezing puppy who now stands guard for them

Charlie Herbert

They’ve named the puppy Rambo

A group of Ukrainian soldiers have adopted a puppy who now stands guard for them in an example of some much-needed joy and hope amid the horror of the Russian invasion.

In a video that has been widely shared on social media, the little pup can be seen running around the soldiers in their trench, wagging its tail without a care in the world.

The little puppo is now the honorary protector of the troops, who say he is doing a good job of keeping them safe as he “can hear very well if there is a stranger nearby.”

In the video, the soldiers can be heard saying: “He is our protector, right Rambo?

“We felt sorry for him. It was freezing outside,” they added.

“We took him into our post, and he stayed with us,” the soldiers said.

They add that he is “security, that’s his job, he is our watchdog.”

You can see the incredibly heartwarming video below.

The story has also been shared on Reddit, where one user commented that if any harm comes to Rambo “we all go to war,” with others saying the little fella must be protected “at all costs.”

Another commented that Rambo was the Ukrainian troops’ version of Wotjek, a 600-pound brown bear adopted by Polish troops in World War II.

The bear served a morale booster for the 22nd Transport Company’s Artillery Division in the Polish 2nd Corps and became a World War II hero.

The story has even caught the attention of a certain Mr Stallone, who of course played the original Rambo.

Stay safe Rambo, you good boi.

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