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26th Mar 2022

US vet thinks of ‘the most punchable face on the planet’ to amp himself up for battle in Ukraine

Danny Jones

Ahem—’It’s……… Tucker Carlson’s face’

A US Army veteran who volunteered to join the fighting on Ukraine‘s frontline has revealed how he gets himself amped up for battle: by picturing “the most punchable face on the planet”… Tucker Carlson.

As first reported by The Guardian, James Vasquez has been helping fight the Russian invasion since March 18, having arrived by way of Poland a few days earlier and only joined social media when it began in February.

Tucker Carlson Ukraine

It was the first picture we found, promise.

Amid combat, he has been documenting his time there thus far, including what get’s his adrenaline spiked before engaging with the enemy – which just so happens to be thinking about Fox News host, Tucker Carlson.

The right-wing news anchor and political commentator is a divisive figure both in the US and across the globe, whose controversies include claiming George Floyd died of an overdose, defending the Capitol riots and many more.

Once called “the worst human being known to mankind” in a viral video, Carlson was once again criticised more recently after he invited Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse onto his programme to back his lawsuit against media outlets who labelled him a killer.

Nevertheless, for all of his incendiary comments and opinions, they seem to serve as motivation for Vasquez and his fellow volunteers, claiming to have liberated a Ukrainian town on Thursday and taken out seven tanks in the process.

The veteran from Connecticut, who has been working as a contractor since leaving the military, says he continues to help train other volunteers and assist his fellow Ukrainian fighters with “tactical manoeuvres and first aid” alongside a UK soldier.

He has also been helping raise money for Ukraine’s Defenders fund, thanking his followers for donating more than $50,000 as of Saturday, March 26.

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