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29th Apr 2015

Video: Michael Jackson impersonator moonwalking for crowds at Baltimore Riots


Ben Kenyon

Baltimore has burned and seethed with anger as rioting swept the US city.

Thousands of people took to the streets to protest the death of black 25-year-old Freddie Grey who suffered a broken spine in police custody.

But amid the chaos and destruction, one man has been having a riot of his own.

Michael Jackson impersonator Dimitri Reeves has been bringing some of that MJ magic to the streets of Baltimore.

Crowds videoed the Dimitri moonwalking in the streets and pulling off dance moves to songs like Smooth Criminal on top of a truck.

The copycat King of Pop said he was just trying to do his part as a Baltimore citizen.

What a guy. Get him on the next plane to Palestine.

(H/T Consequence of Sound)