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29th Jan 2017

Viewers confused by ‘magician’ BBC journalist’s on-air hand trick

Blink and you'll miss it.

Mike Wright

It looks like this BBC journalist may have missed his true calling.

By the looks of it, if Jon Sopel ever tires of being a high profile broadcast reporter he could have a bright future as a magician or escape artist.

If his on-air performance is anything to go by.

While he was doing a piece to camera in front of the White House yesterday, viewers noticed him pull of a remarkable sleight of hand.

One which quickly distracted from the matters of grave import he was conveying, as he was initially seen gesticulating (as broadcasters tend to do) with an ungloved hand. Nothing too remarkable thus far.

But then his hands go out of shot and don’t seem to move an inch, before reappearing 11 seconds later fully gloved.

Here’s the clip:

Impressive work.
