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15th Sep 2018

Weatherman called out for being ‘dramatic’ when men casually stroll past during Hurricane broadcast


The Weather Channel reporter was bracing for his life, but not everyone seemed as worried about the wind

There’s no doubt that Hurricane Florence is causing some real problems in America right now as it rips through North and South Carolina and Virginia, but a clip has gone viral that appears to show a weather reporter hamming it up a bit.

Mike Seidel was shooting a live segment in Wilmington, North Carolina for the Weather Channel. In the clip, he is seen intensely bracing against the wind.

It all seems pretty bad, I mean, actually, real bad. He looks like a hero. A man on the ground going out against the elements all in the name of journalism. Delivering the news against adversity.

Then, wait for it…

Two men stroll casually past in the background.

As the Twitter user wrote: “So dramatic! Dude from the weather channel bracing for his life, as 2 dudes just stroll past. #HurricaneFlorence.”

And more Twitter flack followed:

Responding to the incident, a Weather Channel spokesman said: “It’s important to note that the two individuals in the background are walking on concrete, and Mike Seidel is trying to maintain his footing on wet grass, after reporting on-air until 1:00 a.m. ET this morning and is undoubtedly exhausted.”