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18th Sep 2024

Wetherspoons has started selling pints for under £2 this week

Charlie Herbert

Wetherspoons hasn’t given an end date for the bargain prices

Wetherspoons is slashing the prices of some its ales, spirits and lagers this week, with some pints available for as little as £1.79.

The reduced prices will appear in the vast majority of the chain’s pubs within days.

From today (September 18), customers will be able to treat themselves to a pint of Ruddles Best ot a single measure of Bell’s whisky with mixer for just £1.79.

Meanwhile, pints of Bud Light lager, Worthington’s Creamflow ale, Stowford Press Apple Cider are available for £1.99, along with single measures of Au Vodka and XIX Vodka with mixer.

The Sun reports that these prices are available in 700 boozers.


Wetherspoons has also said there is no end date for the price reductions, so there should be plenty of time to make the most the rock bottom prices.

The price reductions come following reports that the price of a pint could soar due to poor wheat yields in the UK.

2024’s wheat harvest is expected to be one of the worst since detailed records began in 1983, with farmers expected to only be able to produce a fifth of what they normally supply.

This could lead to a shortage in beer supply, causing prices to rise.

As per the pub trade publication The Morning Advertiser, the average cost of a lager in London is reported to be £5.59, 80p above the national average.