It may be some time before we start seeing UK currency with King Charles III’s face on
In so many ways, the Queen has been a constant in the day-to-day life of Brits. Perhaps none more so than by featuring on our currency.
While her image on notes and coins has changed over the years, she has been a mainstay on our money.
But with her passing, there will now have to be a change to the status quo that has been in place since 1952.
Along with a change to the national anthems lyrics, royal emblems across the United Kingdom will be changed to recognise King Charles as the country’s new monarch.
One of the biggest changed to our everyday lives will be the alteration of our money.
There are currently 29 billion coins in circulation in the UK, and all have the Queen’s head on them.
New currency bearing Charles’ image will be minted and will eventually enter circulation. Gradually, this will replace the notes and coins with Queen Elizabeth’s face on.
The first step in this process will be the selection of suitable design for the coins and notes bearing a portrait of the new King. This will take a while, so in the meantime money with the Queen’s face on will still be used as normal.
Once an image of Charles III has been chosen, it will be printed on coins and notes, which will then gradually enter circulation.

The Bank of England says that banknotes are issued every year to replace unfit ones and to meet increases in demand.
The Royal Mint has yet to say when it will start issuing coins with King Charles III’s head on them, but it’s likely that the Queen’s coins will remain in circulation for many years, the BBC reports.
Queen Elizabeth II first appeared on currency in 1935, when a picture of her as a young princess appeared on the Canadian $20 note.
But it was not until 1960 that she featured on a British banknote, appearing on the £1 note.
She has appeared on the currencies of at least 33 countries around the world, making her the world record holder for appearing on the money of most nations.
Other things that will change include stamps and passports. The Royal Mail will now stop producing Queen Elizabeth II stamps and will begin the process to create new ones.
Meanwhile, passports will still be valid but new ones will now have wording updated to His Majesty.
Britain’s longest-serving monarch died peacefully at Balmoral, with all her children by her side.
A statement sent out at 18.30 read that the King and The Queen Consort will remain in Scotland this evening and will return to London tomorrow.
Announcing Her Majesty’s passing, a post from the Royal Family’s official Twitter account said: “The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
“The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.”
King Charles III sent out his own personal tribute shortly after.
Operation London Bridge is now underway, beginning a 10-day mourning period leading up to the Queen’s funeral and Charles ascension to the throne.
Related links:
- Piers Morgan mourns Queen in powerful statement calling her ‘the greatest’
- Trevor Sinclair leaves Twitter after saying ‘black and brown people’ shouldn’t mourn Queen
- There won’t be a bank holiday for the Queen’s funeral