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10th Jun 2020

Which statue will be the next to fall in Britain?


Slave owner Robert Milligan is the latest to fall

Statues of racists are falling all around the world. The death of George Floyd in the American city of Minneapolis has led protests and marches across the globe calling for an end to police brutality, racism, and a true reckoning with our history of slavery.

In England, this has seen a statue of slave trader Edward Colston torn down and dumped into a river in Bristol, and calls for statues of the likes of Cecil Rhodes to follow next.

In the United States, a number of statues of Confederate figures like Robert E. Lee have been ordered to removed, and in Belgium, statues of genocidal former king Leopold II have come down.

As the Tower Hamlets council removes a statue of yet another slave owner, Robert Milligan, the question is: will Winston Churchill be next?