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24th Oct 2016

You really don’t want to watch this video of a giant spider carrying a mouse away to eat

Meet spider-mouse, the king of your nightmares.

Carl Anka

Australia is where God likes to keep his most formidable creations.

Any animal that was deemed too deadly, too scary or just too plain weird is kept on the island.

Frankly it’s remarkable that Australian people are so laid back – everything there is trying to kill you.

And if it’s not trying to kill you, it’s trying to scar you in other terrible, inventive ways.

The latest evidence of Australian wildlife coming from God’s “IDK, just make it nasty” pile is this video of a spider eating a mouse.


Shared on the Aussie Off Roaders Facebook page with a credit to one Jason Womel, this video might just be the most Australian thing that has ever happened.

You’ve got a massive creature that clearly does not give a solitary gram of care towards the health of humans in the house.

And you’ve got two Australian people, acting like it’s no big deal, happy to laugh at a fearsome hell beast running off what a dead mouse that was in their kitchen.

“What’s he gonna do with him?” a man asks, seemingly happy that a ghoul is cleaning up his kitchen.

“Man, that is so cool”, replies his mate.

‘Straya. What a place. What a story.

You can catch up on the latest episode of JOE’s Football Friday Live right here…

