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06th Apr 2016

You’ll now be able to stream live video direct to Facebook

Facebook Live is a huge step forward in social networking

Carl Anka

Facebook is about to change in a big way.

Facebook Live, the social media website’s video streaming service, is about to be unleashed upon the masses, allowing you to stream any live video you want directly to your newsfeed.

In an announcement this week, Facebook revealed that the service will be available to all Facebook users, allowing them to stream live video in Facebook groups and events, along with a few other tricks.

The power will allow users to do things like share their workout videos, host live Q&As from events, or even pop up and say Happy Birthday to someone if you can’t make the special occasion.

Live Reactions Android


In addition to that, people logging on to view your Facebook Live streams will be able to react in real time to your adventures.

People will be able to drop reactions, comments and likes on all live videos, just like your Facebook statuses. There’s even a batch of filters coming to Facebook Live to bring it up to speed with other video services you make already use.

Topping it all off is the ability to invite friends to your live videos, along with a number of “channels” you can tune into based on where in the world you want to watch.

Facebook Live is about to change the social network in a big way.

The future is video, and it looks like Facebook has well and truly arrived.


You can find out more of Facebook’s next big tech leap here. Until then, send in your ideas with what live streams you’d want to see from the JOE team. Message us, or send us a message on Facebook.