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31st Jan 2022

Dominic Cummings calls Boris Johnson a ‘f*ckwit’ and says it’s his ‘duty’ to oust him from power

Charlie Herbert

Cummings claims the PM described himself as ‘the f***ing king around here’ and a ‘Roman emperor’

Dominic Cummings has launched a scathing attack on Boris Johnson, describing him as a “complete f***wit” and saying that it was his “duty” to oust him from his position as Prime Minister.

The former Downing Street aide likened his campaign against the PM to “fixing the drains”, saying it was an “unpleasant but necessary job.”

Along with describing him as a “f***wit”, Cummings claimed in the interview with New York Magazine that Johnson described himself as “the f***ing king”, saw himself as a “Roman emperor” and often thought about monuments being built in his honour.

He said: “You know, as he said to me, ‘I’m the f***ing king around here and I’m going to do what I want.’

“That’s not okay. He’s not the king. He can’t do what he wants. Once you realise someone is operating like that then your duty is to get rid of them, not to just prop them up.”

The “f***wit” insult was made in relation to the prime minister’s apparent obsession with wanting Big Ben to bong on January 31 2020 to celebrate the country leaving the European Union.

Cummings said: “I was sitting in No 10 with Boris and the complete f***wit is just babbling on about: ‘Will Big Ben bong for Brexit on the 31st of January?’ He goes on and on about this day after day.”

He went on to say that the PM sees himself as a “Roman emperor” and fantasises about “monuments” being built in his honour.

Cummings added: “The only thing he was really interested in — genuinely excited about — was, like, looking at maps. Where could he order the building of things?”

Since Cummings left Downing Street in November 2020 he has been vocal in his criticism of Boris Johnson.

The comments come after Cummings accused the PM of lying over his knowledge of Downing Street parties. He has also submitted written evidence to Sue Gray’s inquiry into Downing Street parties.

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