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04th Jun 2017

Mayor of London perfectly shuts down Trump’s moronic tweet about the London terror attacks

Paul Moore

Perfectly said.

To begin with, there should be one thing that’s abundantly clear. The majority of Britain – and the world – are only thinking about two things right now.

1) Expressing their compassion, sympathy and support for those people that have died and were injured during the recent attacks – and their friends, family and loved ones. 2) Finding, arresting and prosecuting those that committed this heinous attack – which the Met Police have been doing.

In the aftermath of this third attack on British soil in recent weeks, Theresa May has stated that “enough is enough” and that more needed to be done to clampdown on extremist “safe spaces” both online and in Britain’s communities.

Elsewhere, Jermey Corbyn has said that these attacks were “brutal and shocking” before adding that his thoughts and deepest condolences were with the victims and their families. Both May and Corbyn also thanked the superb work of the emergency services and those police officers that  were so quick and brave in their response.

In the immediate aftermath of such an event, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, provided a full statement that was poignant, authoritative and measured – especially given the state of shock that engulfed London and the country.

Here it is.

“There are no words to describe the grief and anger that our city is feeling this morning. Tragically, seven people have been killed in this sickening attack, and more than 40 injured, some of them critically.I am appalled and furious that these twisted and cowardly terrorists deliberately targeted innocent Londoners and visitors to our city who were just enjoying their Saturday night.

I condemn these terrorists in the strongest possible terms. They are barbaric cowards and there is absolutely no justification for their evil and unforgivable actions. My thoughts are with the family and friends of the victims and everyone caught up in this horrific attack.

I’d like to thank our emergency services who bravely tackled the terrorists and helped the injured. I’ve been in close contact with the Met Police Commissioner and senior officers throughout the night and will be attending the government’s COBRA security meeting. I’d urge all Londoners to remain calm and vigilant today and over the days ahead. We are all shocked and angry today but this is our city – we will never let these cowards win and we will never be cowed by terrorism.”

Given that the authorities have called for calm – personified by their excellent use of social media to keep the public aware of the latest developments – it’s disappointing and infuriating to see the leader of the free world behave in the very opposite way.

Granted, he did offer some words of sympathy and support by saying “Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U. K., we will be there – WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!”, but this sentiment was almost instantly negated by his next messages.

Trump used last night’s terrorist attacks on London Bridge and in Borough Market to push his own political agenda and ideology regarding gun control and emigration – the infamous travel Ban that was previously blocked by the US judicial system.

Plenty of people were not impressed with Trump’s message, especially at such a tragic and dangerous time.

Given that Trump’s message has been shared widely, it was inevitable that it would reach the Mayor of London.

Right now, Sadiq Khan is doing what any leader should do at a time of crisis because he’s trying to “provide leadership and reassurance to Londoners and visitors to our city.”

As expressed below “He has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump’s ill-informed tweet”.

For those that are interested, President Trump sent this message from the his Virginia golf club. That’s his 23rd golf course visit since taking office 19 weeks ago, as reported by Bradd Jaffy, the NBC senior news editor.


London Attack