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06th Jan 2022

Nearly 60% of people think Tony Blair should have his knighthood revoked

Kieran Galpin

‘Feudal aristocratic title for a war criminal is quite spot on’

Amid the news of former Prime Minister Tony Blair being knighted, we asked JOE readers whether or not the accolade should be revoked – and you lot didn’t hold back.

In a poll conducted on Twitter, we found that 60 per cent of our readers are all for Blair having his knighthood revoked. In contrast, just over 40 per cent want to see the former PM keep his title.

The former Labour leader has fought criticism for years, seemingly stemming from his part in sending troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lindsey German, the Stop the War Coalition convenor, branded the move a “kick in the teeth for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Similarly, a petition to have the knighthood revoked gets bigger and bigger each day, with the current signature count coming in at over 750k.

“It’s an outdated and elitist system for bootlickers, and bootlickers only,” one user replied.

Another said: “No. It’s quite fitting actually. Feudal aristocratic title for a war criminal is quite spot on.”

Others were not fussed and instead turned attention to the current government.

“I remember life under Blair and it was pretty good yes grave mistakes were made over Iraq but I think his pm term was successful he did many good things but tbh I’m more bothered about the calamitous shit show of a government we have now who are ruining every good thing we had,” wrote one Twitter supporter.

Another echoed the above sentiments, stating that: “He made serious mistakes over Iraq but the gulf between his government and the current moral and political disaster is enormous. He did a lot of good.”

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