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28th Sep 2020

Parliament bars exempt from 10pm curfew and new coronavirus restrictions

Wayne Farry

Remember folks, we’re all in this together

Parliament’s bars are exempt from stricter coronavirus restrictions imposed upon the nation’s pubs and restaurants last week, according to a report by The Times.

In a revelation that will shock only those who have not paid attention to this government’s handling of the coronavirus, pubs on the parliamentary estate are exempt due to the fact that they are considered “a workplace canteen”.

As well as being allowed to remain open later than literally every other pub in the land, staff and patrons at parliament’s bars will also be exempt from wearing face coverings, which are now required in non-parliamentary bars.

According to the report, customers in parliamentary bars are also not required to give their details to bars upon entry – again, as literally every other pub customer now has to do

The new guidelines enforced by the government last week stated that “workplace canteens may remain open where there is no practical alternative for staff at that workplace to obtain food”. Or obtain pints, presumably.

A House of Commons spokesperson responded to The Times’ story: “We follow social distancing and cleaning measures as a Covid-secure workplace in order to reduce transmission through social distancing signage, one way systems, socially distanced seating arrangements, contactless payments, marshalling and additional cleaning.”

Sounds like what literally every other pub was doing before the new restrictions came in, but who are we to doubt the good, British common sense of our nation’s politicians? Oh wait…