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31st Jan 2022

Sue Gray report confirms police are investigating party Boris Johnson previously denied

Ava Evans

The prime minister is under active criminal investigation for a party he denies even happened

Sue Gray’s report into alleged Downing Street parties has confirmed the Metropolitan police are investigating a suspected party that was apparently held in Downing Street on the December 18 2020.

The prime minister has previously denied all knowledge of any party or gathering held on the estate on that date.

Speaking in the house of commons on December 8 2021, the prime minister explicitly confirmed he had been “repeatedly assured” there had not been a party and “no covid rules” were broken on that date.

If confirmed, this would mean the prime minister lied to the house and therefore broke the ministerial code.

Gray’s initial findings describe some of the behaviour as “difficult to justify” and as “a serious failure to observe” the “high standards expected of those working at the heart of Government.”

The report shows the gatherings held at Downing Street in breach of coronavirus restrictions represented “failures of leadership and judgement” by both Number 10 and the cabinet office.

Johnson is expected to give a statement in the house of commons at 3.30PM today.

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