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13th May 2017

Someone has discovered something very ironic about Theresa May’s battle bus

Wil Jones

Check the numberplates.

As the General Election season lumber on, we’re treated to many of the predictable campaign trail clichés that the candidates inevitably roll out. One example is that ‘battle bus’, the large coach with slogans plastered all over it that they shift up and down the country for various photos ops at county fairs in Sussex and factories in Burnley.

Theresa May has unveiled hers, and there’s no prizes for guessing which three word phrase is on it. But people have noticed something very ironic about the vehicle.


Yes, if you look at the number plates, it is the same bus that was used in the David Cameron-backed ‘Stronger In’ campaign for the UK to remain in the EU. The bus appears to have flip-flopped on this major issue.


It’s a great spot.
