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11th Mar 2019

Tory ‘Brexit mutineers’ signed Telegraph front page and gave it to Anna Soubry for her birthday

Conservative MP Nicky Morgan said the paper's front page 'backfired'

Oli Dugmore

Conservative MP Nicky Morgan said the paper’s front page ‘backfired’

The Conservative “Brexit mutineers” stigmatised by the Telegraph all signed the newspaper’s notorious front page and gave it to Anna Soubry for her birthday.

One of the other MPs featured in that story, Nicky Morgan, told JOE she thinks the move “backfired” on the paper.

Morgan revealed that she and her colleagues view the front page as a “badge of honour” in an interview with JOE for its series Outside Westminster.

Morgan has a framed edition of the Telegraph that day on the wall of her Westminster office, she pins up negative headlines as additional motivation. She said: “I regard it almost as a badge of honour in a way.

“I think it backfired on the Telegraph. I think it made us more determined to do what we had to in December about making sure parliament had a vote.

“I know that Anna Soubry, we all signed it and gave it to her for her birthday last year. Heidi Allen got us all to sign it and she auctioned it off to raise money for her local party.

“So, thank you Telegraph.”

The Conservative backbencher has been called the “unofficial leader” of her party’s Remain-minded splinter.

As such, she featured on a now well-known Telegraph front page that honed in on 15 MPs and labelled them “Brexit mutineers.” Other unlucky faces included Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve and Ken Clarke.

However, Morgan revealed to JOE that rather than being subdued she, and her colleagues, felt emboldened and actually keep the clippings as a badge of honour.