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16th Dec 2021

Tory MP claims ‘carnage’ on UK roads is killing more than Covid – spoiler: he’s wrong

Kieran Galpin

‘It’s a matter of opinion’

A Conservative backbencher has claimed that “carnage” on UK roads is killing more people than Covid, and here’s the shocker, he couldn’t be further from the truth.

Sir Desmond Swayne, who is no stranger to controversy, spoke to his colleagues in the Commons on Tuesday in relation to new Covid measures.

The MP, who voted against such measures, told the Commons: “In the end, it comes down to a matter of opinion – a matter of our prejudice – and we are typically capable of organising our lives and making those decisions for ourselves.

“We decide what our risk appetite is, and what we’re prepared to encounter, and what we’re prepared to not – not withstanding the carnage on our roads certainly killing more people than Covid at the moment, some of us still decide to drive. It’s a matter of opinion.”

While Swayne claims it’s a matter of opinion, the facts and figures laid out by his Government in September paint a very different picture.

There were an estimated 1,460 road-related deaths in 2020, which is 17 per cent lower than in 2019 and 20 per cent lower than 2010.

Yet the latest annual statistics on reported road casualties, published by the government in September, paint a different picture to the one offered up by Mr Swayne.

Covid however has claimed 69,771 deaths in England and Wales alone, reports the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

People have begun reacting to the claim online after Byline Times reporter Adam Bienkov shared the statement on Twitter.

“It’s like they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about,” said one Twitter user.

Another said: “Mr speaker, here’s another lie in parliament you can ignore, oh my bad…you have!”

It seems like in this instance, the only car crash relevant is Swayne’s research capabilities.

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