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08th Apr 2022

The JOE Friday Pub Quiz: Week 289

Danny Jones

Back once again for the renegade master

It’s that time again: you’ve made it through another week and what, pray tell, is your reward? The JOE Friday Pub Quiz, that’s what, ya lucky sods.

All the classics are here as expected – general knowledge, entertainment and sport – not to mention two extra rounds we change up every week. Here’s a hint about one of them: it’s a bit of a returning favourite…

Now, we’ve teased your trivia appetites, time for you to get to work:

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Just tell us who you are to view your results !

JOE Friday Pub Quiz Week 289 I got %%score%% of %%total%% right

How did you get on? Don’t worry, if it was one to forget you can always not comment like it didn’t happen. Alternatively, if you smashed it, it’s your constitutional right to rub it in your friends’ and fellow quizzers’ faces.

Speaking of which, not only can you do so in the regular places, but you can also get involved with the JOE Friday Pub Quiz group on Facebook, as well as enjoy bonus questions every week.

For now, though, it’s goodbye and see you next time. Adios.

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