This is the quiz…
In true Mando style, this is gonna be straight to the point – no messing and no faffin’. Here’s everything you need to know…
This will test your knowledge of The Mandalorian Season 1. If you want to be a cheat and bring shame to your family, you can get a quick recap of the first season here.
The Mandalorian Season 2 arrives on Disney+ on Friday 30 October 2020. If you want to be a hero and bring joy to your family, you can check out Disney+ here.
And finally, prove you’re the greatest Mandalorian mastermind in the galaxy…


What is it?


Before taking up acting, she made her name in which sport?






What is his name in The Mandalorian?



Before you go, have a watch of the official trailer for The Mandalorian Season 2 below.
Look at it, it’s almost as beautiful as double suns setting over the Tatooine horizon…
Clip via Star Wars