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23rd Jul 2022

Fisherman fights shark as he tries to get his finger back- ‘I lost my goddamn pinky’

Kieran Galpin

TW: This article contains graphic footage

Turn the sound off if you’ve just eaten your lunch

TikTok footage shows the intense moment a fisherman in America lost his “goddamn pinky” finger to a shark he was attempting to catch from the side of his boat.

Florida fisherman Brett Reeder was in Content Keys, near Miami, where he had ventured on an angling excursion. While attempting to catch a small shark, the species not currently known, Reeder found himself clamped in its jaws.

As the shark “started twisting” and Reeder attempted to lift the animal from the water, a shredding-like sound could be heard. Moments later, the man shouts, “Damnit! F**k! It got my God damn pinky! F**k!”

While many of us would undoubtedly go into full meltdown, the veteran fisher seemed relatively unphased by his finger loss.

Then, in a later follow-up video detailing his recovery, Reeder revealed that he was airlifted to the hospital but only after driving 25 miles back to shore with a gushing wound and panicked children. His wife, Mandy, who posted the original video, was calming the kids down in the back of the boat.

“I tried to get a hold of him to get my hook back and got unlucky when he spun around caught the top of my hand, and got my pinky and started twisting,” he explained. “And I could’ve sworn I heard a pop, that’s when everybody heard me say ‘I lost my God damn finger’.”

He added: “I got really lucky that I had my cousin with us that got a tourniquet on my arm.”

Mandy further explained that once the air ambulance arrived, “They decided right then and there whether they needed to heli-flight him to Miami or not and they decided it was best because of the pinky area.”

The lucky man was given a unit of blood after his blood pressure dropped and was then rushed into surgery. The couple is expected to offer an update in the coming days about whether Reeder will have a pinky or not.

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