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13th Mar 2016

Chelsea release statement denying Diego Costa bit Gareth Barry…

Gareth Makim

Nothing to see here, lads.

Chelsea striker Diego Costa faces the possibility of further punishment by the FA after being sent off in the Blues’ match against Everton for what looked like an attempt to bite Gareth Barry.

Costa would be looking at a long ban should the FA decide he’s guilty of Luis Suarez’s favourite crime, which is perhaps why Chelsea released a statement denying the accusations on Saturday evening.

The club website also took a vague tone when describing the incident, claiming Costa “earned a second yellow card for putting his head into Barry”, while the Everton man himself sought to play down the clash after receiving his own second booking minutes later.

Manager Roberto Martinez said: “Gareth Barry has said it is nothing to worry about. He is just disappointed he got a second yellow card.”