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02nd Oct 2015

Amateur sports star invites Hollywood actress Margot Robbie to his awards ceremony


You can’t blame a man for trying.

Irish hurlers might play one of the most dangerous games in the world, but they don’t get any financial reward due to the amateur status of the game. Instead, they play for the love of the sport and the hope that they can get paid in other ways.

Jason Flynn of county Galway has been nominated for a place in the All-Stars team as well as the Young Hurler of the Year award, having been one of the top players in the country this year.

Unfortunately for Flynn, he has been struggling a little to find a date to the ceremony, so has taken to Twitter in search of his plus one.

We’re sure the Wolf of Wall Street star would only be thrilled to head to Dublin to brush shoulders with the likes of Joe Canning, Sean O’Cuinneagain and Michael Fennelly* in November.

*We may have made one of those players up.