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18th Sep 2015

Andros Townsend’s girlfriend confronts him over a fine from Spurs..on Football Manager game (Pic)

Ben Kenyon

‘Football’s just a game’ – we’ve all heard that from our mums when our team takes a hammering.

But Football Manager genuinely is just a game. But nobody told that to Andros Townsend’s girlfriend Hazel O’Sullivan.

She spotted a picture on Twitter that said the Spurs star had been fined for missing training – so she immediately messaged him about it.

Confused Townsend must have been sh*tting himself that Spurs had docked his wages for skipping training…especially because he hadn’t.

But the England star soon realised that his other half had seen a screen shot from the Football Manager game. Facepalm. And he posted the conversation on Twitter for everyone to enjoy…