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22nd Aug 2016

Angry Arsenal employee claims to have resigned to not be a ‘burden’ to Arsene Wenger anymore

All because of transfers

Nooruddean Choudry

Is it time for Arsene Wenger to go?

It is a question that has been a reoccurring cause of division, friction and resentment amongst the Arsenal support for a few years now. Some are staunchly loyal to their legendary manager, whilst others are sick of the Frenchman and want him to leave yesterday.

Such fractured following makes for a toxic atmosphere around the Emirates (and on social media), with Gunners arguing amongst themselves, and nuance giving way to abuse and vitriol. Arsenal’s start to the 2016/17 season has not helped things one bit either.

With a solitary point to show from two games against Liverpool and Leicester City, and obviously threadbare areas of the squad proving to be real but avoidable weaknesses, one thing that all Gooners can agree on is that reinforcements are needed.

Alas there has been little movement on that front in recent weeks. Arsenal have supposedly been chasing Lyon’s Alexandre Lacazette and Valencia’s Shkodran Mustafi but neither signature has been secured. And what’s more, Wenger’s excuses haven’t gone down well.

Speaking to Sky, the 66-year-old made the following comments about the current inflated transfer market:

His suggestion that Arsenal’s 600 employees being paid is of more importance to him than anything else when questioned about transfers is seen as another irrelevant excuse, and one supposed employee of the club seems to have taken drastic action.

In a resignation letter printed in Comic Sans, an alleged fan and worker at the Emirates has jacked in his/her minimum wage job to no longer be a ‘burden’ to Wenger.

It reads: ‘Hopefully with my wage off the clubs wage bill, it will free up the cash for Mr. Wenger to buy more players. I no longer wish to be a burden at this club.’

No this ‘resignation’ should be taken with something of a pinch of salt, as it could easily be a Spurs fan pissing about, but it has certainly ruffled a few feathers on the old internet…

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