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28th Jul 2017

Arsenal fans aren’t buying ‘sick’ Alexis Sanchez’s latest Instagram post

Sanchez is due to return to Arsenal training on Sunday

Simon Lloyd

Alexis Sanchez is ‘sick’.

But hey, don’t take that from us. Take it from the post shared by the man himself on his official Instagram account.

A sad look on his face, a nice, thick jumper and a sympathetic golden retriever snuggling up next to him, this is clearly the Instagram post of a very sick man…

While you won’t find us doubting the fact that the Chilean is feeling under the weather, the same can’t be said for many of those that have replied to the post across his social media channels.

Sanchez, who has been the subject of speculation linking him elsewhere for the last six months or so, is scheduled to return to preseason training with Arsenal on Sunday. Some of those that have seen the post have cynically suggested that he might not be quite as poorly as he’s making out, and that such a claim might well prove to be a convenient excuse to avoid returning to Arsenal before a transfer somewhere else is ironed out.

Supporters of Manchester City, a club Sanchez has been strongly linked with of late, were already jumping to conclusions.

The thought of Sanchez faking illness to avoid returning to the club and forcing a move elsewhere was clearly too much for some Arsenal fans to take. In a bid to make him stay, they decided to threaten to murder his dogs.

We don’t doubt you at all, Alexis. Get well soon.