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10th Aug 2016

Aussie Olympic cyclist just can’t stop himself swearing live on BBC

No matter how hard you try, sometimes all you can do is swear...

Ben Kenyon

Sometimes only swear words will do.

They can call you uncouth, coarse or foul-mouthed, but there are occasions when there is no substitute for dropping a good old fashioned ‘fuck’ or ‘bastard’ into a sentence.

This clip of Australian Olympian Rohan Dennis appears to be one of those moments.

The Aussie time trial cyclist had an absolute nightmare as his handlebar snapped mid-race and kiboshed his hopes of a podium finish in the medal places.

He was going great guns too in the 54km time trial and looked to be on course for a silver medal in the individual men’s time trial, which would have been only his country’s second ever medal in the event.

But with just 10km to go his handlebar snapped and he was forced to change bikes. He still powered home and incredibly finished just eight seconds off podium, but the unfortunate mishap saw Dennis finish the event in fifth.

When being interviewed by the BBC he tried to be as philosophical as possible for a man whose bike fucked up his chances of a medal.

But try as he might to keep the sweary aphorisms at bay on live TV, he just ended up blurting it out.

The man tells it how it is. The cheeky smile on his face says it all…

He might have said a naughty word post race on the dear old BBC, but people loved him for it…

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