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05th Apr 2015

Awkward! Manchester United may have to take the Adidas and Nike strips on tour

This could get messy (no not the Barcelona star)...

Ben Kenyon

You’re taking the hot new mistress away for a break in the sun…but the wife ends up having to come too.


Well, this is exactly what might be happening to Manchester United when they tour the US this summer.

Van Gaal and his men were hoping to show off the new romance with kit sponsor Adidas.

But old flame Nike were just not quite ready to let go just yet – so they’re coming along too.

catfight animated GIF

United’s new £750m decade-long deal with Adidas kicks in on August 1st – while Nike are now in the last three months of their 10-year deal.

So both strips will be making the tour by the looks of things.

Still, at least it’s not this they will be wearing.

H/T: MirrorÂ