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12th Apr 2022

Family of boy who suffered brain damage from stray baseball to sue MLB team

Callum Boyle

Bryson Galaz was struck by a stray ball in 2019

The family of a boy who suffered brain damage and a fractured skull after being hit by a baseball are suing an MLB Baseball team for negligence.

Bryson Galaz, six, was walking with his father down the front row of the Angel Stadium, the home of the LA Angels, while players were going through their warm-up.

During the warm-up Angels pitcher Keynan Middleton attempted to throw to a teammate, who missed the catch, before the ball struck Bryson.

As reported by the Mirror, the lawsuit filed by the family at Orange county superior court states that more netting should have been in place around the sides of the field in order to protect fans from suffering any potential injuries.

They also added that they believe players shouldn’t be allowed to throw balls during practice in areas where a build-up of supporters may be at risk of being hit.

Kyle Scott, the family’s lawyer, also described how Bryson was taken into hospital where he was in a critical condition before being taken to a children’s hospital for further evaluation for two-and-a-half days.

Since the incident in 2019, Bryson has reportedly struggled with concentrating in school and also has difficulties with interacting socially.

“For three days, we didn’t know if my son was going to live or die,” Bryson’s mother Beatrice said.

“We’re grateful that he pulled through, but since that day he has struggled in school. He’s simply not the same.”

Scott later claimed that the situation could have been avoided had the Angels players been told to throw the ball in a way that wouldn’t be dangerous for supporters attending.

“All they had to do was change their formation,” he said.

“It’s not unforeseeable that somebody is going to miss a ball, and it’s going to be thrown hard enough to hurt somebody.”

While the Angels themselves have refused to comment, the family’s lawyer has claimed that when the Galaz family sent an email asking for help with the medical bills, they were met with no response.

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