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19th Aug 2015

Bethe Correia wants a Ronda Rousey rematch

Are you sure, Bethe?

Tom Victor

Their first meeting might have been over in just 34 seconds, but Bethe Correia is seemingly the only person in the world not afraid of Ronda Rousey.

The Brazilian fighter has hit out at the woman who defeated her in double-quick time at UFC190, challenging Rousey to a rematch in 2016.

“I wanted to fight you and I got it. I’ll get that chance again and I’ll have my revenge at the right time!” Correia said in a social media post.

She also took aim at some of the American’s language ahead of the fight, saying:

“I’d never would fight anyone with the intention to kill, break their neck which is something there’s no return from. I wouldn’t joke about it, because wanting to kill someone is not caring about the pain their family would feel! [sic]”

The rematch might have to wait a while though, with a meeting between Rousey and Cris ‘Cyborg’ Justino receiving plenty of media hype.

Still, kudos to Correia for her no-fear attitude, even if it is akin to going straight back into the water following a shark attack.