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06th Nov 2016

BT Sport’s UFC 205 promo might be the best one yet

Only six days to go.


Only six more days…

BT Sports have released a promotional video for UFC 205 that focuses on McGregor’s rise to the top, and it is mouthwatering.

The video shows a brief snippet of each Conor McGregor fight so far, intertwined with snippets of bits of interviews that reminds us why we get so excited every time McGregor enters the Octagon or sits at a press conference table.

The promo includes such gems as The Notorious exclaiming “60 Gs baby!” after knocking out Marcus Brimage in his UFC debut, to the beautifully put “We’re not here to take part, we’re here to take over!” after the Brandao fight.

The video ends with Mystic Mac’s prediction, where he claims that he is going to “wrap one on one shoulder, wrap the other on the other shoulder, and you’re gonna need an army to come take them belts off me.”

It’s only six days until The Notorious steps into the Octagon at Madison Square Garden, but it will feel like an absolute age.

We cannot wait.

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